Media For education

Media For education:
We provide a unique service for educational institutions by hiring media to serve the Learning Process by.
Introduction to converting face-to-face courses into eLearning format:
Many professionals believe that simply converting materials used in the classroom, such as handouts, PowerPoint presentations, questionnaires, and assessments, to a digital format is enough to create online classes. However, it is necessary to be careful about the instructional design and the treatment of the content to ensure the quality and effectiveness of the material.
Making this migration from face-to-face to eLearning requires effective planning and appropriate adaptations of the curriculum to obtain the best results.
Why eLearning is important:
Considered as a new method of teaching, eLearning is an alternative to face-to-face teaching. Using eLearning is considered as a bridge to making students feel as if they are inside the classroom.
The recent outbreak and subsequent global pandemic of the corona virus (COVID-19) has impacted millions of people and through illness, job loss, and death. Educational institutions have had to shutter their doors and cease operations for months. To meet the demands of continuing to provide education despite the pandemic’s impact, eLearning tools have been implemented by many institutions to address this crises and help students continue to learn at home.
Benefits of eLearning:
Virtual delivery in the form of eLearning is more flexible and simpler than the traditional chalk-and-board techniques of teaching. Some useful benefits of eLearning include:
- Cost-effectiveness
- Allows for frequent assessments
- Aids in employee training
- Enhances productivity
- Saves time
- Helps motivate staff and students
- Eco-friendly, healthy and sustainable
For the purpose of understanding the process of migrating to eLearning, the following is a representation of the steps and dimensions required for a successful conversion:
- Preparation Phase:
Successfully moving existing training content to fit the eLearning model requires some prep work.
- Conversion Phase:
Conversion is an excellent opportunity to rethink the purpose of all existing content. This provides the ability to reconfigure existing content to make it more user-friendly and better adaptable to eLearning by designing the course outline (i.e. the Story board), preparing the course overview and the instructional design that suggests that better eLearning outcomes are achieved with multi-media courses for example, by doing away with exhaustive text-based content, and substitute some of it with voice-over or even creating videos in-house.
Multimedia Principles
Specific consideration will be given to the following five multimedia principles that, when used in the creation of online classes, help to avoid the cognitive discomfort caused by the wrong combination of texts, audios, photos, drawings, graphics, videos, animations and other learning objects.
- Coherence
- Signaling.
- Redundancy.
- Spatial contiguity
- Temporal contiguity
Incorporate Interactivities
The three main means of interaction to be considered in planning online classes are:
- Between student-student
- Between student-instructor/teacher
- Between student-content
- Evaluation Phase:
We will define the outcomes you are expecting and measure those attributes pre- and post- implementation of the eLearning course. The development of an appropriate assessment and evaluation strategy will be implemented in a progressive system from less difficult to more difficult as follow:
- A survey will be developed to ensure exit-data is captured before the lesson concludes, or as a required follow-up survey before full course credit is awarded.
- Simple online poll presented at the end of a (live or pre-recorded) webinar
- In-depth survey integrated into the web-based lesson itself; these surveys provide a fairly simple method of capturing simple user feedback.
- Assessments can provide valuable feedback, especially when it comes to refining your courseware. Interaction and quiz data is gathered and flexible reporting tools are provided.